Dr Kumar Mohit Spring
Associate Professor, Human Resource Management
Date of Joining: 17.07.2006
Kumar Mohit Spring did his schooling from St Francis’ College, Lucknow (UP), and his + 2 from IGNOU Open School. He went on to do his graduation in B.Com from Lucknow Christian Degree College, Lucknow (UP). Subsequently he did his Masters in Labour Laws and Personnel Management (MLPM) with Industrial Relations Specialization from the Dept of Law, Lucknow University. He then went to Sydney, Australia, and did a short course from University of Technology Sydney (UTS). He then worked for Orange one (Hutch) in Australia for 3 years. After he came back to India he worked in various software companies in multifaceted roles and responsibilities.
Professional Experience
After his marriage he went to Bangalore and worked in various companies heading their Operations and Business Development segments. Due to work life imbalance he made a conscious decision to join the education field and impart his knowledge and experience to the youth and future of this country. He joined Kristu Jayanti College of Management in Bangalore. A college run by the Carmalite fathers, and affiliated to the Bangalore University. He taught in the MBA dept. And his subjects were HRM, OB, IR Global HR. He also used to take classes in the B.com classes and used to teach Mercantile Law. He was there for 1 ½ years.
Prof Mohit Spring joined XISS in the month of June 2006, and has been working here since then. He is a faculty of the Dept. of HRM, and he teaches IR, OD, OB, HR Planning, HRD. He is also a guest faculty in various other Colleges and Institutions, and also Govt training institutes. He has done his PhD from Ranchi University on the topic “Global HR Competencies for the Global HR Manager” in the year 2015.
Tel : Phone Ext: 216
Email : mohitspring@xiss.ac.in