Dr Joseph Marianus Kujur SJ
Dr Joseph Marianus Kujur SJ

Professor, Head – Department of Research & Planning

Date of Joining: 15.06.2020


Dr. Joseph Marianus Kujur, SJ is the Director of Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi. Dr. Joseph Marianus Kujur, SJ obtained his Ph.D. from Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University and Post-doctoral from Center of Latin American Studies (CLAS), Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

Professional Experience

Dr. Kujur has 24 years of experience in teaching in various Institutes. He was a Lecturer at the Department of Social Science, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeet, Pune. He was also the HoD & Assistant Research Director at Indian Social Institute, New Delhi. Dr. Kujur co-supervised Ph.D. students of University of Spain and the USA. He was also invited as an external examiner of M.Phil & Ph.D. theses in JNU, DU and IIT Roorkee. He joined XISS as an Adjunct Professor in December 2011. He was also the Chairman of Governing Body, XISS. Currently he is the Director of XISS, Ranchi.


He presented more than 20 papers in International seminar and more than 25 papers in National seminar. He published 8 books and more than 50 articles in National and International journals. He had conducted many regional, state and national workshops for Tribals, Dalits and Minorities in more than eight state of India. He was in the core group of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry of Women & Child Development and also was a member of the sub-group of the Ministry of Minority Affairs to work on the recommendations for 12th Five Year Plan submitted to the Planning Commission of India. He was also a member of the Working Group on “Empowerment of Scheduled Tribes (STs), in order to formulate the 12th Five Year Plan for the Social Justice and the Social Welfare Sector.

He was one of the 14-members team known as ‘Sectoral Innovation Council’ constituted by Ministry of Tribal Affairs to prepare a roadmap for tribal development in the next 10 years. He was also one of the 13-members Expert Team constituted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to prepare a roadmap for improvement of tribal health in India. He was one of the 8-members team constituted by Ministry of Rural Development to review the implementation of Rural Development programmes by the non-official members of the Advisory Committee on Tribal Development.

He was part of 6-members Governance Commission of the Society of Jesus in preparation of General Congregation 36.

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