It was 500 years ago from now that a boy named Inigo was born in the Basque country of Northern Spain.Living in a small castle because of his noble birth, the boy grew up to be well educated, with fondness for clothes, beautiful ladies and the unflinching sounds of battle. He thought of himself as a great soldier, and he was indeed one. Although he thought himself to be great lover, it seems that God had different plans for Inigo of Loyola.

In 2022, all four programmes of XISS got the coveted accreditation from the National Board of Accreditation for three years. This made XISS eligible to start its own Fellow programme in Management to enhance and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. The first batch of the FPM began in September 2023. XISS also started a 12-month certificate programme in Geospatial technology, helping students understand and learn geoinformatics in a more streamlined fashion. A few other certificate courses initiated in the year 2024 are Business Analytics in Management, Digital Marketing, etc. With the goal of Continuous Improvement at hand, XISS is striving hard for its all-round growth involving all the key stakeholders viz: the students, the employees, and the institute itself.
In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic struck the entire world threatening the very existence of human lives, but these dark times helped to shine more, justifying the moral and ethics inculcated in each one of us. XISS took no time to understand the need of those severely affected from the pandemic, i.e. the downtrodden and migrants and took up a mammoth task of helping each one by joining hands with the District Administration in arranging shelter homes, distributing dry ration and helping senior citizens over toll-free helpline numbers.
XISS, in line with the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs) of the Society of Jesus, has been working diligently towards the cause of standing with and for the society. In following this mandate seriously, XISS has begun awarding scholarships to the students nurturing the talent and recognising it as well.
XISS revisited to reconfirm its Vision and Mission statements, strategically inching towards it becoming a centre of academic excellence in the process of creating a sustainable society with peace, justice and reconciliation in the Eastern region.
The thought-provoking process was conducted in the august presence of the former Vice-Chairman, Governing Body (GB) XISS, Former Directors of XISS, Director XISS, Assistant Director, Faculty Members and Resource Persons. XISS is well known far and wide for its dynamic community of learned faculty and diverse students from across the nation. It primarily focuses on their educational goals simultaneously encouraging them in co-curricular activities while turning them into ‘Professionals with a difference’. XISS is also actively involved in research, consultancy and development interventions for the society.