Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies

(A Quarterly Review of Development and Management Trends)

A National Journal Indexed in the UGC-CARE List

Applications and Challenges of Generative AI in Human Resource Management

Mrityunjoy Roy1 and Simran Chhabra2

1Assistant Professor, Department of HRM, Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, Email: mritroy@xiss.ac.in

2Student of HRM Programme, Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, Email: schhabra23hr2022-24@xiss.ac.in


Generative Artificial intelligence (GAI) has been presented as a powerful transformational tool in human resource management (HRM) in recent years. Within the realm of AI, Generative AI, represented by technologies such as ChatGPT and its variants, has emerged as a promising tool that holds the potential to revolutionize HRM solutions. The present study introduces an overview of Generative AI, its implications for HRM, and the evolving landscape of AI-powered HRM solutions. In this study, we will explore the potential advantages and issues related to job displacement or creation, ethical concerns, and information reliability in the context of Generative AI in HRM. This study proposes a framework that can help business managers develop a custom LLM (Large Language Model) Chatbot for Real World Application. A tangible impact of generative AI in various industries, opening new possibilities, and transforming traditional business practices has been demonstrated. The paper also addresses the Bias in Generative AI for HR Operations, from recruitment and employee evaluations to policy generation. Furthermore, the responsible use of AI in HRM can lead to more efficient, inclusive, and productive workplaces that benefit both employees and organizations is the final takeaway from our study.

Keywords: Generative AI (GAI), ChatGPT, HRM operations, Bias, LLM Chatbot, Human-AI Collaboration




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