Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies

(A Quarterly Review of Development and Management Trends)

A National Journal Indexed in the UGC-CARE List

An Initial Study on the State of Digital Transformation of the HRM Function in India

Pinaki Ghosh1

1Associate Professor, Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS), Ranchi. Email: pinakighosh@xiss.ac.in


Digital transformation is necessary for every organization and every function of the organization needs to participate in this evolution. Each of them must be moving from a traditional system to digital and technology-driven growth. HRM is a necessary function in the business which also must be part of the digital transformation. There are a whole range of areas in the HR function that can be digitally transformed through appropriate technology. However, there has been a skewed acceptance and implementation of this across different types of organizations. This paper tries to take a peep into the state of digital transformation across different functions of the HR domain across some selected sectors. For this an initial study was conducted among fifty targeted respondents from the HR fraternity representing different sectors across India to understand the current use status, importance, potential and application of digital interventions in the different processes and sub functions of the broad HR domain. The areas which were surveyed as part of the study were use of digital interventions in identification and screening as part recruitment, selection, application tracking system applications.HR analytics applications and metrics. Also, applicability of digital in HR chatbot, Integrated Talent Management System, Performance Management, Learning Management, Attrition Predictor and few more were studied. Overall, the study indicated encouraging and significant signs of evolution and digital transformation in the said areas.

Keywords: Digital transformation, Human Resource Management, (HR or HRM




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