Algorithmic Management in the Platform Mediated Work: A Systematic Literature Review
Muhammed Ali KT1 and R. Chitra Siva Subramanian2
1Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India. Email:
2Professor, Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
This article explores how platform-based companies manage their operations using algorithms. For this purpose, we reviewed current literature on the emerging topic of 'Algorithmic Management' particularly in the platform-based gig economy. The aim of this systematic analysis is to grasp significant concepts, contextual issues and to shed light on future research. Out of this review, we found how various managerial functions like work distribution, monitoring, evaluation and control-regimes coordinate the algorithmic management mechanism. Further, we discuss on various issues, consequences of algorithmic management in the gig economy and worker reactions. The future research insights are offered from the algorithmic governance and legitimacy perspectives of use of algorithms in the work context.
Keywords: Algorithmic management, Platform-mediated work, Technology mediated surveillance, Algorithmic control, Third-party performance evaluations
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